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Rushing Woman’s Syndrome


Rushing women are everywhere. Whether we are professional women, high achievers, mothers or busy teenagers. Never before have women (myself included) been in such a mad rush to do everything and be everything. Mother, wife, employee, employer, taxi driver, exercise lady and many more hats that we all choose to wear. Many women are tired sometimes we realise other times we are just used to it or we are that wired and running on adrenaline that we don’t even realise. Having a relentless urgency and perception that there is not enough time, combined with a to do list that never gets crossed off. These activities, perceptions and expectations that we place on ourselves or perceive that other individuals place on us are having significant health consequences for women.

This Rushing Women’s Syndrome is effecting our Nervous System:

  • Causing us to be in a sympathethic drive all of the time instead of parasympathetic drive. The parasympathetic drive is our more desired drive for the body to restore and replenish and function optimally and the drive our body’s where originally designed to only be in the sympathetic drive is there for when we are in extreme danger.

  • Exhausts us emotionally, mentally and physically

  • Can lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome.

This disruption to our nervous system then effects our whole Endocrine system:

  • The Endocrine System is composed of the Adrenal glands, Ovaries and Sex Hormones, Thyroid and the Pituitary Gland.

  • This all results in a cascade of effects and can be quite debilitating to women

  • It can go unrecognised and is often not diagnosed or even considered in Western medicine

What happens to your body:

Adrenal Glands:

  • 2 small glands that just sit above the kidneys and are responsible for the release of hormones.

  • When working optimally they maintain our normal function but when people are in a parasympathetic drive predominantly they release stress hormones known as adrenaline and cortisol.

  • These hormones produced long term and continuously have a cascading effect on the body, ending in pure exhaustion and depletion of normal functioning to the body.

Ovaries and Sex hormones:

  • When we are living in a rushing life our ovaries and sex hormones become disrupted. These are predominantly responsible for women’s menstrual cycle, libido, ability to feel calm and happy.

  • When our ovaries and sex hormones are under stress it can lead to infertility, painful heavy periods or the opposite missed periods, low libido, and exacerbation of PMS.


  • Responsible for making hormones that effect your metabolic rate, temperature regulation and energy.

  • When this gland is under stress which happens in rushing women, it can lead to a slowing metabolic rate causing weight gain, lethargy, fluid retention to name a few.

Pituitary Gland:

  • Known as the master gland responsible for all other glands in the body. It is situated at the base of the skull

  • If this gland is effected it has a massive impact on the whole body and takes a long time to repair.

  • It is strongly involved in releasing melatonin (hormone needed for sleep), so if this is disrupted sleep will often be minimal for you, interrupted and/or restless. This of course doesn’t allow the body to have adequate restoration required for normal bodily function.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Tired, lethargy, pure exhaustion slump in the afternoon, waling up tired in the morning, maybe feeling as tired as you did when you went to bed.

  • Overhanging brain fog

  • Slower physical and mental responses to things

  • Losing the ability to multitask (I have only ever seen women multitask well)

  • Forgetting things you would have never forgotten before

  • Grumpy and cranky

  • Having a short fuse

  • Weight gain

  • Fluid retention

  • Abdominal distention

  • Low libido and menstrual problems

  • Headaches

  • Night sweats

What can be done:

  • Make an appointment to see me where we can help find the cause of your issues, treat the specific glands and areas that require treatment via Neurolink and Bowen.

  • I can help educate, support and provide insights into quick and easy lifestyle changes that can make a difference in aiding your recovery.

  • Some things you can do at home are firstly identify that there is a problem and then put your health first (for a change). Eat a healthy diet (decrease gluten, sugar, dairy and try for fresh and limited preservatives), restrict exercise to yoga and walking, keep hydrated with water, decrease your coffee and alcohol consumption and reduce toxic chemicals in the home.

There unfortunately is no quick fix to treating this but complimentary therapies can certainly help aid in a more speedy and holistic recovery.


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